

ok, stop wondering where i am. i went for OBS 5D4N at pulau ubin AGAIN. it was my 2nd time there and ended up at camp 2 again. hah. the camp turned out fun and all i could say is that i've really enjoyed myself very much. activities was almost the same, except some difference from the 1st time i went. the experience and my feelings was totally diff.

day 1:
reported and made some new friends. and i'm in LIVINGSTONE! instructor was tracy and she's friendly. and cause she's having her assessment, there is a shadower beside her. ok, actually me and wenjia in the grp was the only people that went there the 2nd time. had ice breakers and stuffs. then went kayaking. ha, had to capsize but i was afraid. finally managed to do it! then was supposed to do t-x rescue but it rained (totally spoil our mood). then did some ice-breaker games which bonded our group together. learned how to pitch tent. the tent was totally different from the one i used to pitch. this tent was much challenging and difficult to pitch but we managed to do it as a grp. dinner was ok then had debrief. and we started packing for hiking on day 2.

day 2:
the morning was quite noisy as most of them didn't slp. we found it quite hard to slp too as the tent was also smaller. and we hiked to camp 1. did trust fall and belaying school. lunch was obviously the best. then we did the tower of power. we had to do it in pairs and there are 2 element, the outer one and the inner one. me and wenjia did the outer one which is much more difficult and scary. the people who did the inner one came down twice already and we were still stuck right up there. but we managed to help one another up slowly. then when we finally almost reached the top, it started to rain so we gotta come down and move indoors. the rest continued to do their elements indoor. we managed to swop with another group as we both finished quite early. dinner wasn't as nice as lunch. ha. then the instructors brief us on our land ex on wed. had quite a cosy night as the tent was much bigger and we changed our position sleeping!

day 3:
went for morning hike early in the morning. we got a checkpoint which is high up in the mountains and we gotta climb up high, considering that it was raining the day before. we did quite alot of short cuts into the forest and stuffs. and the poor instructors gotta climb with us. ha. but our grp did quite well as we managed to get 4 check points out of 5. the last check point we didn't managed to go is due to the lack of time. hiked to the query and it started raining, so took out our poncho. stopped at the temple there and when the rain stopped we proceeded on. was supposed to built a raft but when we got our stuffs out, it started raining again so we gotta seek shelter. finally when it all said cleared, we continued. but not long after, it rained again and we gotta keep the stuffs and hike back to the temple. stayed there for quite long. the instructors found out that most of us do not have dry clothes and that was when they decided that we should hike back to camp 2. it was a previllage as we get to bathe but we carried our mess tins and canned food for nothing!

day 4:
had our sea ex today around pulau ubin. with 3 other watches. my 1st partner was desmond. first we did our t-x rescue and then the sea ex started. it started off quite well except that we wasn't really serious at first. then me and desmond became lagging behind where we met herry the sweeper. but we still managed to catch up. our destination was the point where we were going to have our lunch. then the winds started blowing too strong together with the waves, me and desmond started to move in zig zag directions horizontally and i felt sea sick. and when the storm finally struck us, we were stranded out in the open sea where the rest of them was almost near the shore. we struggled and panic. at that point of time, i felt so useless. then the instructor's speedboat came to rescue us. they brought us safety to the shore and calm me down. at the resting point, we was supposed to have lunch but my group didn't get our food. it was all mixed up. before we set off, i really got a big headache. swop partners and i go with xiang quan. for the 2nd half of the journey, i was really unwell. big headache and i vomitted. everyone was so nice and concern to give me oranges (which was supposed to cure sea sick but had no impact on me). in fact, the oranges made me feel worse that i vomitted out everything. the instructors insist that i finished up my bottle of water but in the end, it all went to the sea as well. but i managed to kayak a little. xiang quan did most of the job. we talked and peservered and we finally saw camp 2 again! was feeling quite happy and we decided not to give up. finally we reached the shore, a total of 18km round island. ha. then clean up and stuffs. wash the kayak and put it up. at night i felt really drowsy as if i'm still on the sea with my small little kayak. ha. had a peaceful slp that day though being scolded. and i had sun burns!

day 5:
our last day. woke up early at 5 to clean up our stores and stuffs. then pack everything into our bags. did the commitment activity but i didn't managed to ring the bell. bought a shirt as they changed their logo already! then it was time for us to leave. and as we were leaving, we saw a jelly fish. first time seeing a jellyfish sia and the instructor say i sua-ku. haha. and on the boat, i felt drowsy again. our 5 day course just ended like that. i will surely miss my watch mates. ha. and of cause other friends whom i made. but we did exchange contacts. and i had a hard time scrubing my clothes and shoes. they are freaking stinky and dirty.

well, through this camp i managed to learn alot of new things as compared to the first time i went. the mood is totally different. and it was a totally new experience for me too, except for some which are the same. and i learnt not to under extimate my abilities. ha. i managed to kayak 18km around pulau ubin! and climb the tower of power! and of cause i made new friends and the instructors were so friendly. was glad that tracy passed her assessment. and yes, i'm going to take up some sports. ha. if i ever go OBS again, it would be for the 9 day course or the 21 day course. no more 5 day course! haha. and now it's time for me to set my goals for studies. i'll do it. actually there is one instructor who have made a big impact on me this time round. thank you.

hold me now at 14:16
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i knew i love you before i met you


  • SYLVIA (:
  • 17o389
  • mfps, cchms
  • AJCian, 33o6
  • chineseorchestra
  • ruan <33



Those Days
